Smart Vault
by Bosonic
Self-custody solution for off-exchange settlementSM
"Trade from Your Own Wallet". Retain control over your assets throughout the trading and settlement life cycle.
Introducing Smart Vault: The unique solution that empowers you to trade directly from your own wallet with any Market Maker, CeFi or DeFi exchanges, all without requiring deposits at a physical custodian or exchange. No more costly and complex tri-party agreements. Plus, it safeguards your assets from the risks tied to bilateral credit exposure.
Why Smart Vault?
Smart Vault is the world's first non-custodial off-exchange settlement solution. It effectively removes counterparty, exchange and custodial risks, providing you with the flexibility to access global liquidity and interact with any counterparty without giving up control of your assets. All of this comes at a significantly lower cost compared to other options.
Compare other solutions:
Intermediaries are needed
Requires credit lines and/or deposit of assets to a third-party.
No Intermediaries
No third-parties are involved. You trade directly with your counterparty
Hidden Credit Risk
Risk from counterparties you don’t directly trade with due to credit and leverage.
No Credit Risk
All trades are fully funded even if leveraged, making counter party risk impossible
Exchange and Credit Risk
Unlimited credit Risk from market makers and exchanges
Zero Counterparty Risk
No deposits to exchanges or credit with market makers. Your assets stay safe in your custody.
Highest Costs
Intermediaries price in the risk they take, passing the costs to customers.
Lowest Cost
Eliminate the cost of the middle man and still get maximum capital efficiency.
Benefits of Smart Vault
Self custody
Smart Vault allows you to freely trade while maintaining control and possession of your assets. Private keys stay in your possession.
Global liquidity
Smart Vault lets you access global liquidity on CeFi and DeFi exchanges, market makers, and facilitates trading with anyone at an exchange or brick-and-mortar custodian.
Off-exchange settlement
Smart Vault exclusively enables automated concurrent settlement between counterparties. This consolidates all necessary settlements with all counterparties into one operation where nobody needs to initiate settlement first.
Net settlement
Smart Vault is built to multilaterally net trades in real-time across any number of liquidity providers and other buy-side counterparties.
No Intermediaries
Smart Vault eliminates the need for any third-party to hold your assets to clear and settle your trades.
Capital Efficiency
Smart Vault is capital-efficient as it eliminates the need for prefunding liquidity providers and automates the process of multilateral net settlements, saving you time and resources.
Risk Mitigation
Smart Vault eliminates the risks of holding assets at a third-party, rehypothecation, settlement and other counterparty credit risks.